material for promoting your howmcast!

Hello musicians! Here we have your sharing link, teaser, extra and current release date.

  • The release date can change if you have a better time. For example, you may want to release the episode the day after you launch your Patreon.

  • The extra is the casual conversation we had after the interview. We suggest you put it behind some pay-wall, like Patreon, and entice people to join with the promise of this extra content.

  • The teaser is for you to post on social media or to an email newsletter, before the release date. So you can drum up a little bit of buzz, like a small Hollywood release.

  • The sharing link should be straight forward. The link won’t work until the day the podcast is published.

For more details on how to best promote your episode of howmcast I wrote a post for you here.

quick instructions

  • Copy your howmcast episode’s sharing link and spread it around.
  • Dowload your teaser and extra. Easiest ways is to right-click the link and select “Save Link As…”. Otherwise your browser should open a window with an audio player. It’ll have a three dot menu you can click and select to download.


release date: Oct 20th, Wed

dolf’s teaser

dolf’s extra


release date: Nov 3rd, Wed

sam’s teaser

sam’s extra